Not everyone is happy with the new member: in the EU, one more country has joined Hungary and Slovakia in its position on Ukraine

Ukraine’s rapid accession to the European Union is Kyiv’s primary foreign policy goal, but despite some progress, serious problems constantly arise. Thus, new countries are joining the opponents of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union under the accelerated program. The first two were Hungary and Slovakia. Now, Austria has joined their camp.

Not ready

It was officially announced at the question session, during which MEPs gave answers to journalists. Chancellor Karl Nehammer announced Austria’s position. He said that under the current conditions, the government of his country is not ready to approve Ukraine’s accession to the EU.

The representative of Austria emphasized that Ursula von der Leyen, who holds the post of President of the European Commission, did not ask about his country’s position before she announced the agreement on the start of negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the EU.

Nothing personal?

In this message, analysts considered a personal claim against the current President of the European Commission. This indicates an intensified political struggle and dissatisfaction with leadership positions among the first persons of the EU. On the one hand, this tendency is typical and always present since each country, like each politician, pursues its own goal.

On the other hand, the situation with diverse groups within the bloc is intensifying, and the catalyst for this process was the war between Russia and Ukraine. Analysts are sure that this issue could not have been solved without the intervention of the Russian Federation, but the reason is not only this. It’s just that the situation was in a dormant state before, but now it starts to “boil” due to the action of new factors.

Everything is relative

Nehammer expressed himself clearly and unambiguously: Austria does not agree to negotiations under the current conditions. And what are the current conditions?

The politician explained in general. While Bosnia and Herzegovina has been going through this process for 10 years, an accelerated procedure for Ukraine would be an unequal treatment demonstration for different candidates. In principle, Austria is not an opponent of Ukraine joining the European Union, but only on the condition that other candidates will have the same prospects. The main thing is to observe the prescribed legal procedures strictly, and you should not deviate from them, no matter what noble goals are pursued.

Separately, Nehammer spoke about the support of the government of his country to Kyiv. He noted that the aid will remain constant but within the framework of a neutral position. There will be no military aid, as before, but the support will focus on finances for humanitarian and economic needs. As the Austrian chancellor called it, the help will be directed to preserve “the entire state of Ukraine.”


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