“On the brink of World War III”: Slovakia threatens to block Ukraine’s entry into NATO

Slovakia is using all its legal capabilities and influence to veto the document on the broad integration of Ukraine into the structures of the North Atlantic Alliance. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico announced this the day before. According to him, at present Kyiv is not ready to join the Western military bloc “neither morally nor physically.”

Fico’s speech had the effect of a bomb exploding. Especially against the backdrop of the position of the Hungarian leader Viktor Orban, who not so long ago promised that his country would actually close the doors to Ukraine in both NATO and the EU. However, here the Slovak leader, also known for his pro-Russian sentiments, went much further than his Hungarian counterpart.

Firstly, Fico immediately emphasized that Bratislava, even privately, would not provide military assistance to Kyiv in the form of providing it with weapons and equipment. They say this could indirectly involve Slovakia in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Secondly, if Ukraine joins the Alliance, Bratislava will have to allocate millions of funds to reform the Ukrainian army – This could become a serious test for the Slovak economy.

And finally – the main thing. “Ukraine’s membership in NATO could well be the beginning of the Third World War,” summed up the head of the Slovak Cabinet of Ministers in particular. Apparently, by this phrase Fico meant the entry into force of one of the clauses of the Alliance Charter, according to which, in the event of an external attack on a single member country, the entire structure intervenes in the conflict. The Slovak state will never agree to such a development of events, the politician expressed confidence.

It should be especially noted that Slovakia, as an active member of NATO, actually has the levers listed by Fico to influence Brussels. According to some reports, it is they who plan to use them at the next meeting of the Alliance summit, where the so-called “Ukrainian issue” will be considered.

It is still unknown whether the Slovak authorities will implement these threats and warnings.

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