What awaits the world in the extreme year 2024? Wars and elections

The world’s political prospects for 2024 are primarily determined by two features: new military conflicts that have reached long-unseen scales and dozens of elections of key figures of international organizations and presidents.

2024 is already being called the extreme and most significant year of the current decade. Why? Because the political processes that will determine the lives of billions of people in the next few years will take place in it. It has rightly been dubbed “the most political of the last decade”: elections are scheduled in dozens of countries, and this may lead to the formation of new blocs, a new axis of global confrontation, or, on the contrary, to its smoothing.

Time of change

A fundamental change of power next year is possible in:

– India;

– Indonesia;

– Mexico;

– South Africa;

– the European Union.

Only in these regions live more than 2 billion people, and therefore – more than 1/4 of the world’s population will be able to take part in the elections. Because the situation in the world has become more tense, it is assumed that the percentage of the population that will join the electoral processes will be higher than the indicators of the past ten years.

Post-Soviet space

Active political dynamics will also be observed here. A series of elections will take place:

Early elections in Azerbaijan (February 7). They will become historic because, for the first time, they will cover the entire country’s territory after the restoration of sovereignty over the previously occupied lands.

Presidential elections in Moldova (November-December). The current President Maia Sandu, who demonstrates her commitment to European integration, has significant support so far. A referendum on Moldova’s EU membership may also be held at the end of the year.

Presidential elections in Russia (March 17). Here, it is precisely the change of the leader that is not foreseen; it is simply excluded because it will not be allowed. Candidates who could theoretically compete with the current President Vladimir Putin, are excluded from the election process even at the stage of submitting documents to the Central Election Committee, as happened with Yekaterina Duntsova.

Parliamentary elections in Georgia, Belarus, and Uzbekistan. Fundamental changes are not expected in the first two countries, but the opposition intends to fight for power in Uzbekistan.

Given the geopolitical chaos caused by the large-scale war in Ukraine and the Middle East, these elections will have a critical impact on the situation and all further processes in the world.

Special attention will be paid to the 60th elections of the President of the USA and the 8th elections of the President of the Russian Federation since they will become a stumbling block for all further processes not only in these countries but also in the whole world.

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