The war moves into space: the USA will install satellite surveillance of ballistic and supersonic threats from China and Russia

The Americans know that the one who is better-equipped wins. Even more, thanks to technological superiority, war can be contained. That’s why PSWA’s new threat monitoring program is now so important. It provides something that the security sphere of the world did not have before.

Of course, the main details are a state secret, but in general, the project is a perfect satellite tracking system that will not allow the enemy to take a single step secretly. For this purpose, 54 reconnaissance satellites have already been ordered.

War is not a cheap pleasure

This Pentagon project is called Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture. The selection of companies that will make orders has already been completed, and they are:

– L3Harris;

– Lockheed Martin;

– Sierra Space.

Contracts were concluded with the Space Force division, which deals with procurement. The total amount of the order is 2.5 billion dollars.

Each of the selected companies must produce the following satellites:

– 16 units for preliminary tracking of ballistics and supersonic missiles;

– 2 units – preliminary fire control systems.

The latter are more complex and technologically problematic to implement because they must be equipped with complex sensors to collect data and transmit this information to interceptors.

It is known that, in the end, the project involves about 100 satellites. Now, the first steps have been taken: 4 US Missile Defense Agency units are already in orbit, and the next four are waiting for launch. Next, 35 units will be launched, which will be responsible for the operational capabilities of fighters.

According to the plan, they want to implement the project by April 2027, but it is noted that everything will depend primarily on funding. The exact timing will become known after the adoption of the defense budget for 2024, which has caused controversy in Congress.

About the consequences

It should be noted that this is not the only American project of this kind. There is also the Anti-Missile Defense Agency, which is engaged in satellite fire control. These satellites will have wide- and medium-view cameras, which make it possible to monitor large areas and obtain such high-quality images as was not possible before. Specialists are only concerned that in large-scale military operations, such satellites will become targets for destruction. It is difficult to predict the consequences of space attacks, where the debris may fall, and how all this will affect not only life on Earth but also processes in the Solar System.

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