The beginning of the end: will the situation in Texas lead to the collapse of the United States of America?

The situation in Texas has become the biggest American domestic crisis in recent years. Even political scientists argue about what consequences it will bring. Let’s find out what is really happening and whether a peaceful solution is possible.

Where did it start?

Texas is a huge American state that has the longest border with Mexico. Moreover, several states used to be part of Mexico:

– Arizona;

– California;

– Colorado;

– Nevada;

– New Mexico;

– Texas.

That is why the composition of the population here is very mixed, and migration processes are still not decreasing. Illegal migrants storm the border of Mexico and Texas, both literally and figuratively.

To somehow maintain control, the local guard was involved. This was accompanied by slogans that the country was not ready to deal with the flow of illegal immigrants. At the same time, the problem is that the employees of the American Border Service, which is managed from Washington and steadily performs its duties here, were denied access to the border. Because of this, the Ministry of Justice appealed to the federal court, and Texas, in response, spoke about disobedience to the center’s decision and the prospect of secession from the United States.

It was announced by Texas Governor Abbott and supported by 25 states and Donald Trump, a future presidential candidate.

The military is increasing

Since more than eight million people entered the country through the US-Mexico border into the US states in the last three years alone, they are concentrated not only in Texas but also spread further. Therefore, the governor of Oklahoma also expressed his readiness to send military units to help if asked. The governor of Florida said the same thing.

Thus, the situation is increasingly moving away from a peaceful solution. It is characteristic that, at the same time, all the governors who supported Texas accuse the current US President Joe Biden of inaction, lack of control, and political impotence.

Most political scientists agree on one thing: the situation is artificially aggravated, although the basis for it really exists. The main reason is the political struggle before the election between the two candidates – Trump and Biden.

Now, several global questions arise:

– will the confrontation end peacefully?

– is one of the candidates willing to sacrifice the stability of the federation to gain power?

– is Biden ready to control the situation with tough methods?

There is another factor: the tendency of Americans to identify themselves as a nation and loyalty to common national ideas. Time will tell whether it will win over in the minds of Americans.

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