Why Texas has become a pulsating point?

Across the ocean, it is not entirely clear why such violent events unfolded in this state in the United States of America. The fact that it borders Mexico is clear, but the root causes are deeper and more ambiguous. Let’s figure it out together.

Portrait of a hero

Texas is one of the southernmost American states. To have a correct understanding of it, it is necessary to note a few facts:

– Previously, it was part of Mexico, together with Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, and several other states.

– In terms of area, it exceeds the area of Ukraine, and in terms of the number of inhabitants, it is in second place after California.

– In the case of secession, its oil reserves would put Texas in the 12th place in terms of economy in the world.

According to most analysts, the ongoing events within the United States comply with the US Constitution. Despite reports from Russian media, it is unlikely that these events will escalate into another civil war.

Continuous flow

If slavery became the axis of separation two hundred years ago, now the emphasis is different:

– migrants;

– LGBT rights and attitudes;

– inequality;

– abortions;

– establishment, etc.

And problems with migrants really take the first place. This factor became decisive for the use of an amendment to the US Constitution to introduce martial law in Texas and the beginning of the construction of a barbed wire fence on the border between Mexico and the USA. These measures aim to stop the flow of illegal migrants, which numbered more than 200,000 in December 2023 alone.

Not the people, but the electorate

Persons who came here illegally become the electorate of Democrats after legalization. They tolerate the immigrants when Republicans strongly oppose them. South Americans are unhappy because the “newcomers” burden the economic and social spheres.

Ukrainian politicians sharply condemn the actions of the Trumpists, who do not support the flooding of American states with migrants. Still, at the same time, they justify Poland, which built the same wall with barbed wire on the border with Belarus to stop migrants from Arab countries trying to enter the territory of the EU.

So, Texas was supported not only by Trump but also by Elon Musk. Northern states, West, and East mostly continue to tolerate migrant issues. The situation is becoming increasingly critical, and the apogee is expected in November with the election of a new US President, followed by a change of a third of the Senate. In addition, analysts warn that any election result will cause aggravation because American society has not known such polarization for a long time.

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