He does not argue but does his way: the reasons for the conflict between Zelenskyy and Zaluzhnyi

The public learned that there were specific problems in the cooperation between the President and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 2023. However, at the end of January 2024, the situation climaxed. It was then that information about Zaluzhnyi’s resignation appeared. What is the main reason for this confrontation?

Not surprised

In the last week of January, a closed meeting was held in the President’s Office, during which a social survey of the public attitudes of Ukrainians was considered. Such studies are systematically carried out on behalf of the PO, but this time, judging by the results, the previous trends have deepened:

1. The percentage of citizens ready to compromise with the aggressor in exchange for ending the war has increased.

2. Support for the government is falling.

3. Zaluzhnyi’s ratings have increased.

The President’s team considered the situation for 5 days, and then Zelenskyy had a personal conversation with Zaluzhnyi. During it, the Chief Commander was asked to think about moving to some other position. Previously, such tactics were used more than once, but Zaluzhnyi became the first person who did not accept the offer.

The intention to displace the Commander-in-Chief was actually not a surprise because the President repeatedly criticized his activities during the Stavkas. The serviceman always listened to Zelenskyy’s opinion, did not openly criticize it, but did as he deemed necessary. Moreover, for more than a year, there have been talks among the political elite about changing Zaluzhnyi to the current commander of the Ground Forces Syrskyi. Along with Zaluzhnyi, they were going to eliminate his inner circle.


“The Washington Post” wrote that the Ukrainian government informed the White House about planned personnel changes, which were not supported there, but at the same time emphasized that such issues are Ukraine’s internal problems.

Meanwhile, the SSU warned of the possibility of riots in Kyiv, provoked by the possible resignation of Zaluzhnyi. However, there were no riots or resignations at the beginning of February. At Stavka, which took place on February 2, both men acted as if nothing had happened.

Only on February 4, in an interview for an Italian publication, Zelenskyy, for the first time, openly announced his intention of a major “reformatting.” However, this wording does not change the essence of the resignation of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who currently enjoys the highest level of trust in the country.

The General Staff says that Zaluzhnyi has already internally accepted the idea of a quick removal from office. At the same time, he will not allow any disturbances. If someone comes out with protests, he will be the first to offer to go to the front to demonstrate heroism there.

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