Poland is preparing its citizens for war: they want to introduce education even in kindergartens

This was announced by the Minister of Defense of Poland, Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz. The fact that the country is on the verge of a real confrontation with Russia has not been a secret for a long time. Despite this, the majority of Poles are no longer worried about this compared to the start of a full-scale war in Ukraine, and therefore, thoughts about preparation no longer arise. However, the words of the Minister of Defense became a cold shower.

Full-scale training

Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz believes that training should be universal and include all Poles. But to carry them out and raise the public’s awareness of civil defense issues, it is necessary to adopt a corresponding law on which all measures will be implemented because many points need to be resolved in protecting the population.

The main problem is that the authorities have recently focused on the Law on the Protection of the Fatherland, and the Law on Civil Defense has taken a back seat against this background.

The main issues that should be paid attention to during such preparation are related to first aid. According to the Minister of Defense, everyone, regardless of age, should have such information, even preschoolers. The same approach should be applied to first aid. All age and social groups should know how to behave in critical situations.

Additional stress for children

However, not everyone considers this point of view appropriate. Specialists consider such training, especially for children, a factor that can cause additional stress. Parents also react ambiguously to such an initiative.

In fact, educational programs for children are very different from those for adults, and how an individual child will perceive them is not always predictable. To develop these classes, the work of many psychologists will be necessary.

The preparation strategy will not be abandoned because the following points are considered critical:

– prepared army;

– management and logistics;

– community and society training.

Therefore, it is the state that must regulate all three factors.

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