NATO showed its teeth to the Kremlin for the first time.

For two years, NATO listened to Putin’s threats and reacted to them as a player who long ago gave the primacy and initiative to a more daring opponent. However, after Macron’s statement about the possibility of introducing NATO troops into Ukraine, it became clear that the roles began to change. Of course, the French President thus made his bid for leadership in Europe, but the point is not only that.

It touched Putin

The rhetoric did not go unnoticed, and Putin reacted to the French initiative almost immediately. This means that such a prospect really worries Russia; otherwise, why not ignore what was said? Of course, the Kremlin immediately reassured itself that not everyone in the EU and NATO was ready to accept the idea.

However, one should not think that Macron’s statement is a waste of words. It is significant that this discussion is not just conducted somewhere behind the scenes but has already entered the official sphere. This means that scenarios not existing a few weeks ago, are beginning to appear.

It must be emphasized that a similar statement by Macron and a statement by the President of, for example, Poland are completely different things because France is a nuclear state. So, in fact, this is the first episode when the bets in the game are raised not by the Kremlin but by NATO (that is, a country that is part of it). Until recently, threats in the field of nuclear security were allowed only by Putin and his supporters. They clearly followed the fear of the West in this plane and periodically resorted to this trump card. Even though China did not support this initiative, Russia used it over and over again.

But now, it seems that the world is gradually waking up from nuclear blackmail and standard threats from Medvedev, the deputy secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. So, the first Western leaders demonstrate that the paralyzing fear has been overcome.

Win a niche

In this way, Macron loudly reminded of himself throughout Europe. Although such ambitious and bold words may cause criticism, they show that he really claims the role of a leader. It was done at the right moment when the USA was losing its position as the undisputed judge and leader in the Old World. So, the niche is vacated.

On the one hand, this causes an increase in panic attitudes like “let everything return to the state before February 24, 2022.” On the other hand, Macron is not the only one who is starting to be more active. The Czech Republic, Denmark, and others are in the same camp. And in a few days, the President of France will convene the leaders of all the country’s parliamentary parties to consider seriously the situation in Ukraine. And once again discuss the dispatch of special forces.

You should not hope for a miracle and a quick solution, but the situation is very positive for Ukraine.

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