Blinken: USA Plan for Ukraine and Negotiations with Russia

Amid escalating tensions, the United States has developed a comprehensive plan to support Ukraine in military, economic, and democratic aspects, committing to long-term assistance. However, the possibility of peace heavily relies on Russia’s willingness to engage in sincere negotiations, according to the U.S. Secretary of State.

Emphasizing global unity in supporting Ukraine, Blinken highlighted the broader impact of Russia’s aggression, not only for Ukraine but also for the fundamental principles of the existing world order. However, it must be acknowledged that the resolution of the conflict currently depends on the decisions of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Work for All

Blinken’s statement underscores the joint effort to address the urgent needs of Ukraine, considering it as a demonstration of burden-sharing among allies. The recent U.S. legislation allocating significant funds for Ukraine’s national security, despite Putin’s calculations half a year ago, demonstrates a specific commitment to support Ukraine for the long term.

Detailing the long-term prospects for Ukraine, Blinken explained that over 30 countries have either completed or will soon conclude negotiations on bilateral commitment agreements with Ukraine in the security sphere. This will lay the groundwork for Ukraine’s ability to deter and defend itself from aggression in the future.

Not Solely Military

From an economic perspective, despite “challenging circumstances,” there is significant interest from private investors in Ukraine, and the U.S. is facilitating the inflow of private investments into the country. Highlighting the fact that Ukraine has been able to restore trade through the Black Sea and now exports more goods through it than before February 2022, one can speak realistically about the possibility of a economically robust Ukraine in the future.
Regarding the development of democracy in the country, Blinken continues that starting negotiations with the European Union concerning Ukraine’s accession is the best stimulus. However, he believes that the end of the war “largely depends on Vladimir Putin and what he decides,” taking all factors into account.

“All of this is a powerful response to Putin, as it indicates that Ukraine will not only survive but also thrive in the future. So, I hope that Mr. Putin will understand the message and demonstrate readiness to engage in sincere negotiations, in line with the fundamental principles that form the basis of the international community, the UN Charter – sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence. If they are properly confirmed, a decision should be made. As soon as Russia shows that it genuinely wants to negotiate, we will definitely be there. And I believe that Ukrainians will be there too.”

Blinken’s statement not only reflects a series of events and expressed thoughts but also underscores the active position of the United States in supporting Ukraine and emphasizes the importance of diplomatic negotiations to achieve peace and stability in the region.

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