He only understands the language of force”: von der Leyen explained why the EU must respond forcefully to Putin

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has stated that Russia poses a threat not only to Ukraine but also to Europe. She believes that the outcome of the war in Ukraine could determine the future of the EU.

The President of the European Commission made this announcement during a speech to the European Parliament. Von der Leyen says Putin was mistaken to think that Europe would not help Ukraine defend democracy and independence.

The war in Ukraine may affect Europe’s future

The President of the European Commission notes that Putin also erred in expecting that assistance from the US would not garner votes in Congress.

During debates on the 20th anniversary of the last major EU enlargement wave, President von der Leyen stated that the war in Ukraine could affect Europe’s future.

“What is happening in Ukraine will forever determine the future of our Union. Putin’s victory will not only change the map, not only obscure the face of the Ukrainian nation, but also change the course of European history. Our Union will never be the same as it once was,” said the President of the European Commission.

Von der Leyen emphasizes that Ukraine pays the highest price for Russian aggression every day. She called for standing with Ukraine and supporting its Euro-integration. In addition, the head of the European Commission calls for a strong response to Putin.

“There is only one way to resist this. There is only one language that Putin understands. Namely: providing Ukraine with the means to defend itself,” she added.

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