In Ukraine expecting a fuel collapse – what is the reason

Law on mobilization, which will come into force from May 18, may cause a real collapse in the fuel market. The reason – truck drivers without a special QR code will not be allowed to cross the border.

Connection between fuel and mobilization

Transportation of fuel and lubricants has previously been carried out with problems and delays due to blockages at the borders by Polish farmers, among others. But it is expected that with the introduction of the new mobilization law, the times of blocking will be remembered as quite favorable. Since from May 18, every truck driver trying to leave Ukraine must have a special QR code, which can only be obtained after visiting the TCC and passing the State Vehicle Inspection.

It is anticipated that most drivers currently working on fuel delivery routes will choose to lose their jobs before the prospect of potential mobilization. People involved in deliveries for gas station chains say that currently, this issue is much more relevant for corporations than the tax increases approved by the Council.

Two weeks left

For a collapse in the fuel market to occur, it is enough for only five percent of drivers to not go on their routes, and it is expected that their number will be much greater. It is also worth noting that this problem concerns not only fuel and lubricants but also medicines, products, virtually all imported goods.

The problem arose from the fact that drafting a law is one thing, while implementing it is another. This inconsistency will lead to unwanted consequences. Even if drivers turn to the Traffic Safety Commission, it will take time for the commission to convene, and it is important to understand after what delay the negative effect will be felt. Calculating this is not difficult: currently, the maximum fuel stock at gas stations lasts for a period of two weeks. Since the law will come into effect on May 18, by the beginning of June the situation will be critical. The start of June marks the beginning of the active agricultural season, and therefore, problems will also arise in this sector. Avoiding this avalanche is a task for the Government.

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