The Pentagon is concerned about what is happening on the Ukrainian front: can the complex situation be rectified?

The US Department of Defense has made a statement that the Russian army is actively trying to occupy new territories of Ukraine. The situation is so threatening that the Pentagon is seriously concerned, a level of concern not seen since 2022.

Help is delayed but appropriate

It is claimed that the situation on the battlefield remains extremely difficult, and there is no hope that the Russian Federation will ease the pressure. The only hope is that the Ukrainian side will take all measures to restrain the advancement of the enemy into the country. The reality is that Ukrainians must do this under incredibly dire conditions of a shortage of soldiers and weapons.

However, Pentagon spokesman Pete Rider noted that Americans will do everything they can to support Ukraine in this excessively difficult moment. Primarily, this involves providing critically important weapons and supplies, which are urgently needed on the front lines and in general.

Intense efforts are currently being made to expedite the provision of such assistance. This week, due to the critical situation that has arisen, the US announced an additional $2 billion aid package to Ukraine. The Pentagon spokesperson does not hide the fact that the significant escalation of pressure by the Russian army was caused by a combination of reasons, the main one being the delay in approving aid from the US, which stretched from the fall of 2023 to the middle of spring 2024.

Avalanche of problems

Rider explained that despite the help of other partners from around the world who are providing their support, a critical shortage of weapons has emerged. The Russian side is well aware of this, so they have taken advantage of the situation and are attempting to advance significantly. Even if this does not bring significant results, it is clear that the already exhausted Ukrainian army will be further depleted during the course of holding off this advance. Furthermore, Russia may occupy dominant heights and other strategically important areas, which will continue to have negative implications going forward.

However, despite this concern, there are reports from the UK Ministry of Defence that the amassed Russian forces on the Kharkiv direction will not allow Russia to capture Kharkiv without bringing in additional forces to this region. And Russia is currently unable to redirect them from other directions.

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