Sweden announced the possibility of hosting US nuclear arsenal on its territory: when will it happen

War, initiated by Russia against Ukraine, has brought irreversible changes to the world’s security scheme, and these changes continue to occur. Up to this point, only three NATO countries possessed nuclear weapons, but it seems that the escalation of nuclear potential cannot be stopped. For example, Sweden has also announced sharp changes in this area.

Conditions have changed

The government’s approach to the placement of US nuclear weapons on Swedish soil has changed from outright rejection to full readiness to participate in it. This will happen if Russia starts a war with NATO countries. This was stated in an interview by the Prime Minister of the Kingdom, Ulf Kristersson. He explained that under peaceful conditions, there is no need for such a decisive step, but considering that the worst-case scenario is now likely to materialize, it is necessary to think about such important matters in advance. In the event of a Russian attack, democratic European countries must be prepared for a full-scale defense of their existence and the lives of their citizens.

Kristersson reported that the prospect of war on its territory is already being considered, and in that case, all NATO countries would benefit greatly from the so-called “nuclear umbrella”. It should exist as long as Russia has a nuclear arsenal and actively threatens the world with it. The politician emphasized that the decision to deploy nuclear weapons on their territories is made by the countries themselves, not the US, so the final word depends on Sweden.

Political poker

The Prime Minister expressed hope that the situation he discusses will not arise. It is also important to remember that the government has already taken steps to prevent the worst-case scenario and prevent Sweden from becoming a target for the Russian army. This was the purpose of joining NATO.
Ulf Kristersson emphasizes that if Ukraine had been accepted into NATO in time, Russia would not have dared to attack its territory. Such statements are painful for Ukrainians, as they had been very eager to join the North Atlantic Alliance and had received repeated refusals. Some believe that NATO rejected Kyiv precisely because the bloc’s goal is not to protect its countries from real threats, but merely to create the illusion of such a possibility. In the event of an attack on Ukraine as a NATO member, this illusory notion would be completely shattered, which is not in the interests of the majority of alliance members. Therefore, its function is to be an instrument of bluff in the political “poker” game between East and West. And Ukraine is a card that both sides have decided to play simultaneously. However, so far there has been little positive outcome for both of them.

Nuclear “umbrella” redistribution

But let’s return to Sweden. At the beginning of 2024, its government called on Swedes to take preparations for a possible war with Russia seriously. In addition to the debate, concrete steps were taken:

– The kingdom increased its defense budget by 28%, which will not only provide $11 billion for the country’s military expenses this year but also allow it to reach the required 2% of GDP for NATO membership.
– A decision was made to strengthen the electric power system, which, as the experience of Ukraine has shown, is a target of Russian attacks.

These steps will demonstrate to Russia that if an attack occurs, there are real preparations being made to resist.

It is worth noting that recently the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, announced readiness to host nuclear weapons on its territory. The purpose of this is to strengthen NATO’s eastern flank, which is closest to the main adversary – Russia. He explained his position by the increased militarization of the Kaliningrad Oblast, which directly borders Poland, as well as the movement of part of Russia’s nuclear arsenal to Belarus.

Currently, three NATO members possess nuclear weapons:

  • United States;
  • United Kingdom;
  • France. 

Additionally, five other Alliance members host them on their territories:

  • Belgium;
  • Germany;
  • Italy;
  • Netherlands;
  • Turkey.

They do this under the Washington Nuclear sharing agreement.

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