Poland starts voluntary preparation of youth directly in the army on a paid basis in summer camps

The state presents this as an alternative to summer jobs. Everyone aged 18 to 35 is encouraged to participate in the initiative.

Entertainment or War Preparation

The project is planned to be implemented this year. The program has a rather peaceful name – “Vacations with the Army.” The main goal, as proclaimed by the authors of the idea, is to acquire new skills that may be needed in the army during wartime, as well as to have a general understanding of what the Polish Army represents and how it operates. It was active in Poland before, but on a smaller scale and without financial rewards. Starting this summer, the program will significantly expand. Both men and women are encouraged to join “Vacations with the Army.”

This idea arose because the authorities have repeatedly emphasized the urgent need for a decisive and effective redesign of the defense strategy of the European Union members. Since other countries do not show such interest and openly ignore the recognition that the defense strategy is outdated, Poland decided to take decisive steps on its own. Of course, this is provoked by the fact that in the event of further Russian expansion to the West, Poland will be one of the first target countries.

They will also get paid

The Minister of Defense commented on the “Vacations with the Army” program. He stressed that the payment for the young people staying in such camps is an investment in the security of the entire nation. It is expected that young men and women will have the opportunity to participate in the initiative this year. After completing the full course, each of them will be able to receive 6,000 zlotys (which is approximately 1,5 thousand in dollars).

Experts believe that most of those who express a desire to undergo the “Vacations with the Army” course will be people up to 25 years old, especially school and lyceum graduates who do not have a permanent job yet but are willing to earn money in the summer. It is hoped that for many of them, this will be the first step towards entering military service. It is also expected that a large percentage will be students of higher education institutions.
– Previously, it became known that during its presidency of the European Union, Poland will present defense as its main focus in 2025. The country has been increasing defense spending for the third year in a row due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

– The course of this war has provoked heated debates among European Union leaders about the specific updates needed to be implemented in the defense sector in light of new growing threats.

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