Changes in Ukrainian schools and universities: the schedule will change significantly from the next academic year

In September, Ukraine will start the third year in which the educational process takes place under conditions of martial law. While the 2022-2023 academic year was practically paralyzed, the situation is gradually recovering. It is planned that the 2024-2025 year will be a period of the greatest adaptation, allowing the education system to gradually return to the pre-war level. However, for this to happen, the government intends to take decisive steps.

Summer fairy tale will end

Currently, a series of recommendations are proposed, the most important of which are as follows:

– The school year will start from the first half or middle of August 2024 (an exception will be made for first-year university students to have time for a full admission campaign and formation of the list of enrolled applicants).
– The end of the school year will fall in mid-June 2025.
– Saturdays will be full academic days with a standard schedule.

These changes will allow for extending the winter holidays to almost three months. The need is driven by expected power outages and potential difficulties with heating premises. Exceptions will be educational institutions with their own capabilities for generating electricity from renewable sources and their own boilers for heating that can operate independently of gas.

Parents are not thrilled

Parents and teachers are not thrilled with such a system:

– Firstly, considering the constant stress experienced by children and youth in a country at war, increased workload is likely to have a detrimental effect on developing bodies’ health.
– Secondly, adults are concerned about security, as given the heightened risk of terrorism, no one can guarantee that places where children gather in large numbers will not be targeted for terrorist activity or aerial attacks.

Near the Front Lines

For the areas near the front lines, the requirements are even more stringent. Alongside what is recommended for all regions, training exclusively in shelters or bunkers is advised. Meeting this requirement is more challenging but not impossible. Underground schools are being rapidly constructed in the front line cities that will be able to accommodate more students than an average educational institution. Several grants have been acquired from partner countries to finance this construction.

Therefore, the new season will be unlike any before. Whether this format will be effective, or if adjustments will be necessary in the future, all of this will become clear over the next six months.

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