Who needs 5G in Ukraine: how ordinary people use it

The news that 5G is being launched in Ukraine is excellent. However, most people don’t know if they will be able to use it. Let’s admit it honestly: the technology isn’t necessary for everyone. But there’s one nuance: it will come in handy for Ukrainians during a war. So, what does this technology entail and what should we expect from it?

What is known

Almost a year ago, the information about the preparatory trial launch of 5G was announced by Ukraine’s Minister of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov. This week – on May 27 – the digital communications company Vodafone carried out the test launch, and it went smoothly without any unpleasant nuances.

But this aroused not only joy in society but also a lot of negative reactions. Some express skepticism, others claim that it negatively impacts health and waves can cause severe diseases or even death after long-term exposure. Now, several petitions have emerged to force a halt to the technology’s advancement. Are there grounds for such fear?

Suspicious novelty

What does the abbreviation 5G mean? The letter G indicates the mobile communication standard, and the number 5 means that it is a fifth-generation technology. The fact is that mobile networks operate in a limited frequency range. The range of these radio waves for each subsequent generation is different, new.

The chronology of the mobile communication standard has changed as follows:

  • 1G. This happened in the 1980s of the last century;
  • 2G. It allowed sending text messages (sms) and encrypted calls;
  • 3G. With the advent of this range, video conferencing became possible;
  • 4G. Further expanded the possibilities of fast mobile internet in such a way that it became possible to watch HD video and so on.

New possibilities

At present, 5G is the fastest communication technology. It will come in handy, for example, for gamers. They will immediately feel that videos load much faster and nothing is “glitching”.

However, in reality, 5G will be useful even to those Ukrainians who do not use mobile internet at all. This is because the military is eagerly awaiting this technology, as this speed will allow to control drones online, take weather conditions into account, coordinate thousands of units of equipment simultaneously.

In fact, Ukraine is far from being a leader in this regard. 5G is already operating in over 90 countries around the world. In the European Union, there is a plan to complete the coverage of all cities and transport routes with this network by 2025.

What about health

The dangers have been feared not only now. 9 years ago, in a village in Chernivtsi region, local residents decided to demolish a mobile communication tower with axes, believing that mobile radiation provokes cancer. In 2020, in several regions of Great Britain, people demolished 70 telecommunications networks, linking the emergence of coronavirus to mobile communication. 

Similar incidents are practically not going away even today. But scientists assure: mobile stations fully comply with safety standards and do not affect health. After all, people have been using mobile phones for decades, so doctors have had time to thoroughly research this issue.

According to science

The World Health Organization on its website dedicated an entire section to this issue, refuting the idea of the harmful effects of 5G. It states that the many studies conducted over the last 20 years have reassured: there is no risk and no evidence of harm has been found. Radiation of fifth-generation radio waves remains at the same level as in the 80s. But the productivity will be higher.

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