Survival Question: How much will electricity cost and can Ukrainians afford it?

The question of reviewing electricity prices remained a pulsating volcano for a long time, which has finally erupted: prices will rise in just a few days. But many experts believe that the debts of the population will disproportionately increase because of this.

Changes will occur from June 1. In the differential tariff, the cost per 1 kW will be up to 12.2 UAH. The maximum previously suggested by experts did not exceed 5 UAH per kW, but it turned out differently. 

The main principle is the more you consume, the higher the price for you.

So, the following tariffs have been announced:

  • If you consume up to 100 kWh per year, tariffs will not change (they will pay 264 UAH for 100 kWh, as before);
  • in the range of 100-200 kWh per year, the price will be 4.8 UAH per kWh;
  • when consuming 300 kWh per year, the payment will be 1224 UAH per month. 

Such an increase is caused by the fact that Ukraine almost constantly exports electricity abroad, where its generation costs more. In addition, we need to think already now about how to restore the capacities destroyed by Russia. Of course, work is underway to attract investments and funds, but in order to have electricity now, it is necessary to increase the tariff.

Understandably, not everyone will be able to afford such tariffs. Work is already underway with international partners to somehow compensate the unbearable burden for vulnerable categories, which is increasing in Ukraine.

Experts also warn that the increase in prices may provoke even lower payments for electricity than before, because those who tried to pay bills at least partially before the price increase may stop doing this at all, because their actions will not reduce debts. 

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