Borrell Comments on the Possibility of Western Weapons Strikes on Russia, and Stoltenberg Issues a Statement

Ukraine is seeking permission to use Western weapons to strike Russia, addressing European ministers on the matter. Josep Borrell emphasized the need to lift restrictions on using Western weapons against Russian military forces on Russian territory. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg called on allies to reconsider the ban on Ukraine using Western weapons to strike Russia in the context of the ongoing war of aggression.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has appealed to European ministers, asking to lift the prohibition on using Western weapons against military targets on the aggressor country’s territory. EU High Representative for Security and Defense Josep Borrell stated that there is growing discussion among EU member states about allowing Ukraine to strike Russian territory with Western weapons. He made this statement following an EU Council meeting.

Ukraine Resists Enemy Attacks

Josep Borrell noted that Ukraine needs more air defense systems, including Patriot systems, and the removal of restrictions on using Western weapons against Russian military forces on Russian territory. “We must consider that Ukraine has to counter attacks launched against it from Russian territory. Some member states are lifting restrictions for Ukrainians to use our military support to respond to Russian attacks on Russian territory, not just occupied territory,” said Borrell.

The chief diplomat also highlighted the “catastrophic damage to the power grid” in Ukraine following massive Russian shelling. According to him, this has already had a significant impact and will continue to affect the country into the upcoming winter. “We need to get through the summer, but the number of power stations and capacities destroyed by the Russians is growing. Putin talks about peace negotiations, but his troops are launching a new offensive on Kharkiv. They are shelling densely populated civilian buildings and trying to disrupt the upcoming Swiss peace summit,” added the EU’s top diplomat.

The EU High Representative mentioned that the EU fully supports the Peace Summit to be held in Switzerland in mid-June. Borrell added that during the meeting, ministers discussed the delay in military aid from the EU to Ukraine due to a lack of unanimity. However, he declined to name the country blocking the process. “We are already facing a significant delay, driven by disagreements among member states, particularly one of them, to reach the necessary consensus,” Borrell said.

It is important to note that Hungary has been blocking tranches from the European Peace Facility for aid to Ukraine for a year.

NATO Secretary-General Acknowledges the Issue

  • At a press conference in Sofia, Jens Stoltenberg addressed allies, stating that they should reconsider the ban on Ukraine using Western weapons to strike Russia. He expressed this position amid border clashes in the Kharkiv region. The NATO Secretary-General emphasized that Ukraine is fighting in a war of aggression and, under international law, has the right to self-defense. “The right to self-defense includes the right to strike legitimate military targets outside of Ukraine. This is part of self-defense. We see this clearly in the battles in Kharkiv because Russian forces are on Russian territory, attacking at the border with Ukrainian territory,” he said.
  • According to Stoltenberg, the front line is roughly along the border, and if you cannot attack Russian forces on the other side of the front because they are across the border, you significantly reduce the ability of Ukrainian forces to defend themselves. He explained that under such conditions, the Russians could attack without being attacked in return. In this context, he urged allies who have imposed restrictions on the use of the weapons they have provided to reconsider these limitations. “My message is that we should look into these restrictions because, with too many restrictions, we are tying one hand of the Ukrainian armed forces,” said the NATO Secretary-General.

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