Acquiring the necessary weapons from foreign partners is only part of the task. Another part is ensuring they are allowed to be utilized in the way needed by the army. The third part is transporting and safeguarding the weapons. Each stage presents a real challenge.
In reality, everyone understands that not all of the allocated technology and equipment make it to Ukraine. Some of it is eliminated on the approaches to the border, where the routes to weapon accumulation hubs are before being handed over to transport companies.
How Much is Lost Before the Border
There are no precise data on the losses at this stage, as even the information on how much and what kind of equipment is transferred is confidential, and many countries provide it covertly for political reasons. But it needs to be kept in mind: there are enough informants in Europe who provide Russia with information on what exactly is supplied and via which routes.
Sometimes, sabotage groups eliminate the equipment or weapons themselves, or they damage transport routes to make it impossible or prolong the journey. According to unconfirmed data, this is how about 15% of the aid provided is irretrievably lost.
Coordinators and informants
Things are worse in Ukraine. The number of Russian spies here is significantly higher, especially among internally displaced persons who were recruited by the enemy when they were in the occupied territories. These individuals not only provide photos and video materials about the movement of technology, but they also play the role of coordinators after attacks on military arsenal depots and the like.
Of course, for Russia, the equipment and weapons provided for the Armed Forces of Ukraine are priority targets, so no resources are spared for intelligence or for attacks. On its part, Ukraine is making every effort to preserve everything that has been transferred. Moreover, the means and approaches to preservation are constantly changing, as they quickly become known to the enemy. The Ukrainian army is forced to constantly improvise in this area.