Peace Summit Begins with Refusals: Why China Will Not Participate

The summit, upon which so many hopes were placed, seems to be gradually losing its strength. The thing is that the USA and China are slowly distancing themselves from the event, and each are naming different reasons. It recently became known what Beijing justified its refusal with. 

Reasons for China’s refusal

According to three sources, Beijing rejected the invitation because the participation conditions were not met, including the presence of representatives from Russia and Ukraine. This became one of the main reasons for China’s refusal to participate in the summit, although, it should be noted that the reason is not the only one. 

Experts also speak about the fact that previous information about the absence of the US President influenced this decision: these two countries are currently the carriers of global moods, their position is capable of changing what is happening. Since there won’t be high American leadership at the summit, therefore, crucial decisions will not be made. 

Peace Summit 2024: What you need to know

The Peace Summit 2024 in Switzerland, initiated by the Ukrainian side, is scheduled for 15-16 June. Switzerland hopes to host representatives from over 120 countries. It’s known that the USA will participate in the summit, and Russia was not invited.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that the peace summit in Switzerland should serve as a proper platform for conveying Ukraine’s position on achieving peace. According to him, before starting negotiations with Russia about ending the confrontation, it is necessary to develop a detailed plan agreed with the international community.

Additional Information

The peace summit in Switzerland has attracted significant attention from the international community. The main goal of the event is to discuss ways to achieve peace in Ukraine and to create a platform for international dialogue. China, as one of the important players on the world stage, could play a significant role in this process. Its refusal to participate due to unagreed conditions illustrates the complexity of diplomatic relations in the context of this conflict.

The planned peace summit will be an important event that can determine the further development of events in the region and affect global politics. Despite the absence of China, the participation of a large number of countries, including the US, indicates a significant interest in the peaceful resolution of the conflict in Ukraine.

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