Dodgers are not loved anywhere: Latvia follows the experience of Ukraine

Amendments to the Criminal Law have appeared in Latvian legislation, aimed at strengthening responsibility for evasion of mobilization. International observers note: the best time for similar changes has been chosen, unlike how it is done in Ukraine. 

Better late than on time?

Ukrainian experience shows that changing the Law on Mobilization directly during the war is a powerful mechanism for provocative enemy activity. It is obvious that the need for mobilization, its nature, and order radically changes during combat operations. But Ukraine made a fatal mistake: it did not implement such changes in time, and now this causes a tremendous resonance in society, a negative reaction to the actions of the authorities. At present, exactly “destabilization of the situation” in this area is the biggest threat inside the country, which Russia actively exploits and deepens. 

Latvia took this sad experience into account and acts proactively. Changes to the Criminal Law are being made right now, and this time is actually considered ideal for the following reasons :

  • In Latvian society, there is already a stable understanding of the military threat from Russia and that the hypothetical war is increasingly taking on real characteristics. This makes people tolerant of more stringent legislation in the field of mobilization.
  • Directly the need to mobilize has not yet arisen, so changes are seen as general, which do not threaten the lives of specific people. Society, as always, hopes that it will not come to the implementation of the worst scenario, so it is easier to perceive the actions of the authorities in this direction. 

That is why the time is chosen as well and professionally as possible.

How will be punished

Evading the draft during civil defense measures can result in imprisonment up to one year, while military reservists or home guards can be imprisoned for up to three years. Previously, such offenses were punished with short-term imprisonment, probation, community service, or fines.

Punishments have also been enhanced for other crimes. For instance, assuming someone else’s identity, if it causes significant damage to the state, local government or person, or if it is done for revenge, benefit or blackmail, will now be punished with imprisonment for up to one year, temporary imprisonment, forced labor or a fine. If such a crime is committed during a Latvian language proficiency or other knowledge test for acquiring Latvian citizenship by naturalization, the imprisonment term can be extended up to two years.

Moreover, lawmakers decided to abolish the possibility of imposing community service as a punishment for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, refusing to pass a drug test, or leaving the scene of an accident.

Since the beginning of the year, Latvia has reinstated mandatory military service to deter potential aggression from Russia.

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