Part of Ukrainian F-16 that partners will provide cannot be used in Ukraine

The Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that around a third of Ukrainian F-16 fighter jets will be based abroad. They will remain in training centers for our pilots and aviation personnel. There are some restrictions on the ability to operate new aircraft, as working with Western aircraft is more challenging than with Soviet ones. However, Ukraine shows very good results in this direction.

For example, Romania bought 30 F-16s from Norway in November 2021, but they only started receiving them in the spring of this year. Romanians paid for aircraft that were not needed and waited for two years, and now they are just learning to fly them.

A major drawback is that our aircraft based abroad will not be able to promptly take off for combat missions near the front line. For instance, the main hub at the Lviv airport is about a thousand kilometers from the front line, which is too far. The aircraft will burn all their fuel before reaching there. Airfields in Poland or Romania are even farther away. The combat radius of the F-16 is approximately 500-600 kilometers, making combat flights from neighboring countries technically impossible.

So why

A logical question arises: why are they needed in Ukraine at all? The Chief of the Aviation of the Air Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Serhiy Holubtsov, noted that these aircraft will be used in two directions:

  • as reserves, replacements for other aircraft that will be sent for maintenance;
  • in case of aircraft loss.

Repairs and maintenance of aircraft must be carried out after every 400 flight hours, ideally every six months. Ignoring this may lead to a situation like in Iraq, where none of the 30 F-16s flew in combat against ISIS in 2021.

Safety Comes First

The standard for servicing F-16 aircraft is to maintain 70% of the fleet in operational condition, but Ukraine will have to keep this indicator at 100%. There is also a need to keep the planes in reserve due to a shortage of air defense systems in Ukraine. The airfield where they will be based must be well protected.

Four countries have confirmed plans to transfer American F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. To change the situation on the battlefield and gain an advantage in the air, Ukraine needs more than just Western F-16 fighters. A comprehensive complex is required, including electronic warfare equipment, air defense systems, and other means, as explained by the chief of aviation of the Ukrainian Air Force Command Sergey Holubtsov.