Will Biden’s announced “victory plan” bring peace to Ukraine?

President Joe Biden has announced the preparation of a “victory plan” for Ukraine following the signing of a security agreement with Kyiv. Biden emphasized that the White House is actively working with the Ukrainian side on developing this plan, which includes providing additional military assistance to Ukraine. He stated that the basic contours of this plan are already in place, but the details are still being worked out.

This initiative is part of a broader U.S. strategy to support Ukraine. The U.S. has already provided significant military assistance, including permission for Ukrainian pilots to train on American F-16 fighter jets and prepare for their transfer to Ukraine.

Additionally, Biden’s administration has announced additional humanitarian and democratic initiatives to support Ukraine and neighboring countries. This includes over a billion dollars in humanitarian aid, covering food, clean water, medical supplies, and other forms of support for those affected by the war.

Biden also emphasized the importance of the recently signed security agreement between the U.S. and Ukraine, as well as sanctions and measures regarding the use of Russian assets to support Ukraine’s victory. He noted that Ukraine has the capabilities for effective defense if provided with the necessary weaponry, which is currently being provided by the U.S.

Therefore, the “victory plan” for Ukraine includes a wide range of military, humanitarian, and diplomatic support aimed at ensuring long-term security and stability in the region.