NATO Raises Alarm Over North Korean Ammunition Supply to Russia

NATO is sounding the alarm as North Korea has reportedly supplied Russia with 5 million artillery shells and numerous other military supplies to support its ongoing conflict in Ukraine. This development has escalated concerns within NATO regarding the growing alliance between Russia and North Korea, which NATO aims to counteract.

North Korea has shipped thousands of containers filled with millions of munitions to Russia, which are likely to be used in the war against Ukraine. This information has been highlighted by both “Radio Free Europe” and “24 Kanal.”

Among NATO members, the concern is palpable. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg emphasized during a press conference that the alliance is troubled by the deepening relationship between Russia and North Korea, which includes military support and technological exchanges. This partnership sees North Korea receiving assistance for its nuclear and missile programs in return for the military supplies it provides to Russia.

Stoltenberg confirmed that NATO is aware of these arms transfers, including millions of artillery shells, and is particularly worried about the implications of such cooperation. In response, global leaders, including U.S. President Joe Biden, have discussed measures to address and counteract the actions of countries aiding Russia. During a recent security agreement signing with Ukraine, Biden stated that the international community will respond to this support, highlighting agreements made within the G7 to impose sanctions on third countries aiding Russia.

Additionally, reports indicate that cargo ships are frequently traveling between North Korea and Russia, transporting military supplies. Commercial satellite images and U.S. intelligence have corroborated these activities, showing a steady flow of North Korean ammunition and other military equipment reaching Russian fronts in Ukraine.

In exchange for the artillery shells, Russia has reportedly provided North Korea with technologies to assist in deploying reconnaissance satellites and other military hardware, including tanks and aircraft.

Furthermore, there is anticipation of a visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin to North Korea, marking a significant step in the collaboration between the two nations. This visit is expected to further cement their military and technological cooperation, which has already been evident since North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s visit to Russia in September 2023.

Overall, NATO and its allies are increasingly vigilant and prepared to take collective action to deter the collaboration between Russia and North Korea, emphasizing the need for international solidarity in supporting Ukraine and maintaining global security.