We Can’t Have Another “Minsk,” Says Stoltenberg on Peace Talks with Russia

Ukraine must decide for itself when to start peace talks with Russia. However, there are currently no signs that Putin is ready to negotiate. This statement was made by NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg.

Stoltenberg about Peace Talks with Russia

The head of the Alliance noted that it is up to Ukraine to decide what conditions are acceptable for peace negotiations. Meanwhile, partners must provide strong military support to Ukraine.

“What we must do as NATO allies is help Ukraine strengthen its positions. Because we know that there is a very strong connection between what happens at the negotiating table and the situation on the battlefield,” said Jens Stoltenberg.

Moreover, there are currently no signs that Putin is ready for peace talks. The NATO Secretary-General reminded that the last proposal from the Russian dictator was that Ukraine should give up four regions. This includes not only the territory controlled by the Russian army but also the territory controlled by Ukraine.

Stoltenberg reminded that one of Putin’s demands for ending the war is Ukraine’s renunciation of NATO membership. The Secretary-General noted that the war began in 2014 with the occupation of Crimea, and even after the signing of the “Minsk Agreements,” Russia did not stop.

“We can’t have another ‘Minsk.’ What we need now is something that truly deserves trust; something that will actually stop the war and make Russia cease its aggression. When the fighting ends, we need security. We need to give the Ukrainians the ability to deter, but we also need certain security guarantees for Ukraine,” emphasized Stoltenberg.

He added that this is also one of the reasons why the allies have so clearly stated that Ukraine will become a member of NATO.