Deliberately Using Symbols of the Presidency: The EU to Discuss Orban’s Trips to Moscow and Beijing

EU ambassadors will discuss Orban’s trips to Moscow and Beijing with his “peace plans” regarding the war in Ukraine. Among EU member states, concerns are growing over these “peace missions” during Hungary’s presidency of the EU Council. This was reported by a senior diplomat on condition of anonymity.

EU Concerned About Orban’s Trips

A senior EU official said that the concern arose because during bilateral meetings, particularly with Putin, Orban used symbols of Hungary’s presidency in the EU Council.

“In capitals, there is growing concern about the role that Mr. Orban attributes to himself in the so-called ‘peace mission,’ where it should be clear that he represents only his own country. Instead, he intentionally leaves a lot of ambiguity, for example, by displaying the presidency logo in his dramatic communications,” the interlocutor shared.

Ambassadors will try to achieve greater clarity during the meeting on Wednesday. The senior diplomat noted that tension among EU countries is high even after just 7 days of Hungary’s presidency in the EU Council.

According to him, the tension may increase during the preparation of the EU Foreign Affairs Council, as Hungary is still blocking tranches from the European Peace Facility for Ukraine.

Zelensky Also Spoke About Orban’s Visits to Moscow

Viktor Orban presents himself to the world as a potential “peacemaker” in Russia’s war against Ukraine and a “mediator” in negotiations.

At the same time, the President of Ukraine emphasized that there can be no mediation between Ukraine and the aggressor state, except for the consolidated efforts of the strong countries of the world, which can force Putin to stop the war.