Will Poland shoot down Russian missiles over Ukraine

The US State Department commented on the proposals of Ukraine and Poland regarding shooting down Russian missiles, and it is possible that this issue will be discussed at the NATO summit in Washington, which begins on Tuesday. This was stated by US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller.

Recently, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk mentioned that Poland plans to involve NATO allies in discussing the possible shooting down of Russian missiles and drones over Ukrainian territory. The issue became especially acute after the cynical attack on July 8, when one of the buildings of Ukraine’s main children’s hospital “Okhmatdit” was destroyed.

 When asked about the US position on this idea, Miller responded that there are currently no changes in US or NATO policies that could be announced. However, each NATO member has the right to raise such issues for discussion, and now is precisely the best time for that.

“This week, they will have the summit, and I am sure it can be discussed if Donald Tusk wants to do it,” Miller said.

It is worth noting that President Volodymyr Zelensky and Polish Prime Minister Tusk have signed an agreement on cooperation in the security sector, which includes the development of a mechanism for shooting down Russian missiles and drones in the airspace of Ukraine that are heading towards Poland.