Russia responds to proposal for participation in new peace summit

Ukraine aims to hold the second Peace Summit with Russia before the presidential elections in the U.S. in November. This is an important issue as the return of Donald Trump to power may affect the prospects of continued military support from America.

Reality or Fiction

Ukrainian officials have confirmed these plans and emphasized the need for thorough preparation and clear goals for the meeting to meet the expectations of Western allies. Important topics such as nuclear security, food security, and the return of abducted children were discussed at the previous summit in Switzerland.

President Zelensky called on the U.S. to help organize the second summit to give it more power and significance. However, American officials are not sure if this meeting will take place.

Kremlin Reacts

However, Moscow does not like the “Summit’s rhetoric.” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin stated that Russia will not participate in the summit due to its “ultimatum” rhetoric. He also noted that Moscow sees this event as an attempt by Kyiv and the West to rehabilitate themselves after the “failure” in Switzerland. According to Galuzin, Russia does not accept ultimatums proposed in the “Zelensky formula.”

The specific location for the summit has not been determined yet, but as Galuzin emphasized, “geography does not matter.”