Something Human Remains: Russian Pilot Couldn’t Handle After Attacking Children’s Hospital

From the very beginning of the full-scale war, many Ukrainians were troubled by the question of how Russian soldiers could carry out criminal orders from their commanders, destroying peaceful neighborhoods and killing civilians. The number of such incidents is growing in a geometric progression, but it turns out that there are still those within the Russian army who have not turned into animals. Evidence of this is the fact that a Russian pilot voluntarily agreed to cooperate with the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine.


It is known that the pilot serving in the 22nd bomber aviation division contacted the GUR after the attack on the “Okhmatdyt” hospital. He used a chatbot to express that he did not understand the orders from his command to attack Ukrainian civilian targets. The feelings that the pilot experienced during this can only be speculated upon.

What this proves

First and foremost, the appeal of the Russian pilot proves that the command of the Russian army consciously and purposefully selects civilian objects as targets for their attacks, although this has always been denied by official authorities. Such data could drastically change attitudes towards the Russian government. Such data greatly simplify legal cases and the prosecution of war crimes when it comes to an international tribunal, the prospect of which has ceased to be a mere hope and has become a realistic possibility. 

Information revealed

As a result of the appeal by the Russian pilot, crucial information was handed over to the Ukrainian side:

  • Secret documentation regarding the military unit where he served. This is the 22nd aviation division based at the “Engels” airfield, from where bombers take off for missile attacks on Ukraine. This airbase has repeatedly been targeted by Ukrainian drones in an effort to stop Russian missile terror. 
  • Data and private photos of senior officers in the division. 

In addition, the suspect provided information about the military personnel who were directly involved in the operation on July 8.

Where is the pilot now

By sharing this information, the Russian military officer was aware of all the risks he faced. If he had not taken personal security measures, he would have been eliminated within hours. With such cooperation, military personnel of the Russian Federation on the side of Ukraine are guaranteed complete safety. Therefore, information about the whereabouts of this pilot is not currently publicly available, but it can be said with certainty that he is no longer in Russia.