Orban’s “Peace” Proposal with Russia: European Parliament Adopts Resolution Supporting Ukraine

The European Parliament has approved a resolution in support of Ukraine and rejected an alternative document. The resolution upholds Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. The European Parliament condemned the Hungarian Prime Minister’s visit to Russia and called for continued sanctions against Russia and Belarus. A pro-Russian faction proposed an alternative resolution supporting Ukraine, which was not adopted. The resolution also calls for the protection of minority rights, freedom of speech, and anti-corruption measures in Ukraine.

Following the Hungarian Prime Minister’s visit to Moscow and his renewed call for negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, the European community responded. Specifically, they adopted a resolution in support of Ukraine.

During the European Parliament’s plenary session on July 17, the resolution supporting Ukraine was approved. Prior to this, the pro-Russian faction attempted to introduce its own resolution.

Hungary Abusing Its Presidency

The resolution was supported by 495 MEPs out of 679 who voted. The resolution confirms support for “the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.”

According to the document, the European Parliament condemns the recent visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to Russia. It also reiterated that during this visit, he did not represent the EU, and the visit is a blatant violation of EU treaties and common foreign policy.

The majority of the European Parliament condemned Hungary’s abuse of its EU Council presidency, which began on July 1. They also called on Hungary to lift the blockade on funding Ukraine from the European Peace Facility.

The resolution contains calls to continue military, financial, and other assistance to Ukraine, support for Ukraine’s EU accession, and the use of frozen Russian assets. It also condemns the Russian shelling of “Okhmatdyt” and Russia’s hybrid attacks against the EU.

In this regard, the European Parliament calls on the EU Council to continue and expand sanctions against Russia and Belarus, while simultaneously monitoring, reviewing, and increasing their effectiveness and impact.

“Alternative Resolution”

The pro-Russian faction of Viktor Orban in the European Parliament, “Patriots for Europe,” proposed an alternative resolution supporting Ukraine. MEPs of this political group called for a ceasefire and the signing of peace with Russia.

In the document from this group, they condemned the attack on the “Okhmatdyt” children’s hospital in Kyiv and emphasized respect for Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders. The MEPs of this political group called on Ukraine and Russia to “open diplomatic channels with the aim of concluding a lasting peace agreement.”

The document also mentioned Ukraine’s EU accession, emphasizing that it is impossible until all conditions are met.

“The European Parliament calls on Ukrainian authorities to fulfill the requirements regarding the protection and implementation of the rights of national minorities, ensure freedom of speech, and intensify efforts to combat corruption; expresses serious concern about the precarious situation of national minorities in Ukraine, who are often subjected to unjustified discrimination,” reads the alternative resolution.

Fortunately, this resolution was not adopted.