Murder of Farion: how it all happened, crime versions, consequences

In the evening of July 19, the information space and news sites exploded with the news of an attack on politician, linguist, and public figure Iryna Farion. It was later reported that the sixty-year-old woman had died. Although it may seem that this case is not particularly significant in a political sense, it actually has deeper implications than one might assume.


It is known that on Friday, Iryna intended to visit her daughter, who lives outside Lviv, for a short vacation, as she had not been on a break for a long time. She was supposed to arrive at her daughter’s house that evening to meet her and her grandchildren.

During the day, she was recording a video for her YouTube channel, after which she called her daughter Sofia and informed her that she was planning to visit. She was planning to get to the address by taxi. While she was waiting for the car near her building, she was shot in the head. This happened at 7:30 PM.

Around 8:00 PM, the victim was taken to St. Panteleimon Hospital, where doctors stated that her condition was critical. An urgent tomography of her entire body was performed, and it was decided that surgery was necessary.

The surgery was performed, but immediately after it, Farion’s daughter, relatives, and friends who were waiting for the result at the hospital were told that there was practically no chance of survival, as the injury was incompatible with life: the attacker shot her point-blank in the head, causing severe damage to the brain.

In the intensive care unit, the victim was in a coma, but after 15 minutes her condition worsened, and she was given artificial respiration and cardiac stimulation. Unfortunately, this did not help, and at 11:20 PM, the doctors pronounced her dead.


The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Klymenko, reported that the main motives for the crime being considered are:

  • public activity;
  • political activity;
  • personal animosity.

The investigation and operation to apprehend the killer began almost immediately. The case was complicated by the fact that surveillance cameras were installed near the house where Irina Farión lived, but at the time when the woman was waiting for a taxi, there were power supply restrictions in place, and the cameras were not functioning. However, witnesses reported that a young man was the one who fired the shot.

A ballistic examination of the shell found at the crime scene was immediately ordered, and an analysis of the video footage from the surveillance cameras closest to the murder scene was conducted. According to the examination results, the shot was fired from a Makarov pistol.

In addition, neighbors of the linguist reported that about two weeks ago, a young man (around 18 years old) started appearing almost daily in the entrance hall of Farión’s building in the morning and stayed there until the evening. Throughout the day, he observed who entered and exited the building. His photo was captured from the surveillance cameras.

Witnesses say his appearance resembles that of the attacker. He is currently wanted and is the main suspect.


Farión’s murder could be one of the steps towards an escalating political crisis, as it has stirred up such problematic factors:

  • Lack of unity between the eastern and western regions of Ukraine. Irina Farión was known for her radical, and sometimes aggressive, statements towards Russian-speaking citizens of the country, including Russian-speaking military personnel. The reaction on social media clearly demonstrates that the majority of people from western regions support her position, while residents of the East mostly consider such a narrative unacceptable.
  • Russian propaganda has long used Farion’s position and statements as a demonstration of the oppression of Russian speakers in Ukraine, as she was not just a citizen but also a deputy. Based on her words against the existing authorities and people of Ukraine, Russian propagandists instilled hostile attitudes in millions of not only Russians but also European residents.
  • Political assassinations trigger an extremely negative reaction in Europe and can directly affect Ukraine’s reputation as a rule of law state as it seeks to become a member of the European Union.

Therefore, the murder of Iryna Farion could have very serious consequences both socially and politically.