Trump on Ukraine’s Side

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky shared news about his contacts with the team of U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump. Zelensky noted that Trump was very open to discussions and even provided his phone number for contact.

Zelensky also mentioned that in July, Ukrainian officials had contacts with the teams of other U.S. presidential candidates, including Kamala Harris. He disclosed this information in an interview with the Japanese state broadcaster NHK, emphasizing that Trump was willing to address any questions.

Trump, in turn, commented on his phone call with Zelensky, which took place on July 20th. In an interview with Fox News, Trump talked about emphasizing the need to end the war in Ukraine, adding that the conversation was constructive. He also expressed his view on the Russian army, calling it a “military machine” with extensive experience in waging wars, referencing victories over Hitler and Napoleon.

It is worth noting that the victory of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany was achieved with significant assistance from allies, especially the USA. Trump also accused current U.S. President Joe Biden of allowing Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, claiming that it could have been easily prevented. He expressed confidence that President Putin would never have dared such actions under a different U.S. leadership.