Potap Returns

Singer Potap, who ranked high among popular artists in Ukraine before the war, has almost completely disappeared from the radar after 2022. Popularity is like a downpour: you can see it, feel it, be surrounded by it, but you can’t hold it in your hands. In Potap’s life and music career, it seems like a dry spell has arrived. Recently, the singer announced that he is making a comeback, but not to Ukraine, but to Barcelona.

An Unimpressive Return

Oleksiy Potapenko, a well-known Ukrainian artist, has long been a target of criticism. Fans and neutral listeners sharply criticized his unsuccessful tracks, trips abroad, and other things that seemed inappropriate or even unacceptable. His son Andriy mentioned that Potap doesn’t care about the hate, and he simply ignores it. But objective criticism cannot be ignored. Failure to react to it may lead to a loss of audience.

Return to Barcelona

Potap boasted to his followers about his return. However, not to Ukraine, but to Barcelona. In the photo, he is wearing a T-shirt of a well-known football club. Perhaps a similar picture from Kyiv would have sparked a livelier reaction and reignited interest in Potap. But for now, he has only received 14 comments and less than a thousand likes. This is the level of a newbie blogger, not one of the most famous Ukrainian producers. Even his colleagues did not leave any comments or even a small emoji, which may indicate one thing – being forgotten.

Creativity and Popularity

The track “Forgive” has generated the highest activity recently. The music video has been viewed 150,000 times. Not a bad result, considering the video was just released, but it has been available on YouTube for over a week, so the result here is very doubtful.

Potap’s Personal Life

In Potap’s personal life, everything is going well. Rumors of a divorce turned out to be just rumors. Although often Potap and his wife Nastya Kamenskykh are in different parts of the world, the couple always support each other and find ways to show their affection. For example, recently Nastya congratulated her husband on the release of a new song. And Potap, even though not being nearby, wanted to please his beloved and ordered her a luxurious bouquet of flowers.

Will Potap be able to regain his former fame? This question remains unanswered for now.