The enemy’s strength grows: Russia and Iran to officially become military Alliance

Against the backdrop of escalating conflict in the Middle East, Russia and Iran are taking steps towards concluding a pact of alliance. Such an agreement could drastically alter the geopolitical balance in the region, with the military component of the deal reportedly becoming a key element of this alliance.

Deliveries and New Partnerships

Information indicates that Russia has already begun supplying Iran with radars and other equipment for air defense. This significantly boosts Iran’s defense capabilities, especially amidst instability in the Middle East. A day before Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu’s visit to Tehran, NBC reported that a Russian Il-76 transport plane landed in Iran with ballistic missiles “Iskander” on board. These missiles were likely intended for the Iranian military.

Negotiations and Potential Consequences

It is important to note that back in July, Moscow and Tehran completed preparations for a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement. This document has been in development for almost two and a half years and could be signed at the BRICS summit in October. Following the ratification of the agreement, both countries will officially become allies, significantly enhancing the status of Russian-Iranian relations.

Will Geopolitics Change?

The question remains whether, after signing the agreement, Russia will begin to more actively support Iran in its Middle Eastern affairs and whether Iran will become more actively involved in Russia’s plans regarding Ukraine. Such an alliance could have far-reaching implications for both the Middle East and global politics overall, making its development something to closely monitor.

Naturally, such a partnership does not bode well for Ukraine, but it should be understood that Western partners’ response to bolstering the strength of adversaries will be more determined. Therefore, this news should not be pessimistically perceived; rather, efforts should be focused on ensuring that Ukraine’s allies’ response is appropriate.