Will Ukraine or Russia Become a Bargaining Chip? Kyiv Prepares for ‘Negotiations’ with Trump

In light of the upcoming presidential elections in the USA and the potential return of Donald Trump to power, Ukraine is preparing to negotiate with the new potential leader of the USA. Trump, known for his statements that he could end the war in Ukraine “in one night,” is causing serious concern in Kyiv. Ukraine is seeking to strengthen its position by capturing territories in the Russian Kursk region to have a strong argument in future negotiations.

Zelensky’s Response to Military Advance

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has finally broken his silence and indirectly confirmed the invasion of Ukrainian troops into Russian territory. The main goal of this advance, according to him, is to create a buffer zone in the Kursk region from which attacks were previously carried out on the Ukrainian Sumy region. However, the uncertainty regarding the ultimate strategic goals of this step forces the enemy to speculate about Ukraine’s true intentions, which could play into Kyiv’s hands.

Strategies and Consequences

Experts and military analysts offer various explanations for the Ukrainian invasion. Possible goals include distracting Russian troops from other fronts, restoring faith in the ability of the Ukrainian army to advance, and creating leverage in any negotiations with Moscow. However, the most convincing version is the use of captured territories as a “bargaining chip” in future negotiations. This, however, is also the most dangerous option, as it requires significant resources and efforts from Ukraine to maintain these lands.

Preparation for Possible Negotiations

Kyiv is aware that it may come under pressure to negotiate an end to the war, especially if Donald Trump returns to the White House. Ukraine is already actively promoting its peace formula and preparing for an international conference with the possibility of Russian participation. However, there are concerns that the Trump administration may press Ukraine for territorial concessions in exchange for Western security guarantees.

Risks and Challenges for Ukraine

The seizure of territories in the Kursk region gives Kyiv leverage, but maintaining these lands may pose a serious challenge. Logistics difficulties, the need for troop rotations and reserves – all of this creates additional pressure on Ukrainian forces. Some analysts express concern that focusing resources on Kursk could weaken Ukrainian positions on other fronts, particularly in Donbass, where Russian forces continue to advance.

Open Opportunities

President Zelensky seems to believe that potential gains are worth the risk. Much will depend on Russia’s reaction to Ukrainian incursions. By keeping his goals open, Zelensky retains flexibility in future actions, which could be a decisive factor in upcoming events.