Something that has never happened : new ATMs for extreme conditions to appear in Ukraine

PrivatBank has launched a new type of ATMs with a mobile format that will soon start operating in the Chernihiv region. These ATMs can function autonomously 24 hours a day, which makes them particularly valuable in front-line regions where there is a growing demand for such services.

Advantages for Front-Line Regions

The demand for mobile ATMs has significantly increased in regions where access to banking services is restricted due to hostilities. Over the past two months, the number of users of these devices has tripled, indicating the importance of such solutions for local communities.

Social Initiative

PrivatBank board member Dmytro Musiyenko mentioned that the development of mobile ATMs is part of a social project aimed at providing banking services in the remotest corners of the country. The bank collaborates with local communities to help inform the population about the working schedules of mobile ATMs.

No Electricity or Internet Needed

Mobile ATMs are equipped with the highest security standards to protect employees and clients. Their autonomy is ensured by batteries, a satellite internet system, solar panels, and other engineering solutions. This will allow servicing not only remote regions but also military personnel in rear areas where there is no access to traditional banking infrastructure.