Why Did the President of Poland Andrzej Duda Come to Kyiv on Independence Day?

On August 24th, the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, arrived in Kyiv. It was reported that the main purpose of his visit was to participate in the celebrations of Ukraine’s 33rd Independence Day. However, support can also be expressed through a phone call or a video message, as has been done before. Let’s explore together what this meeting signifies.

Showing Support

Andrzej Duda’s visit emphasizes Poland’s support on this important day for Ukraine. The fact that the visit took place showcases to the world (especially Ukraine’s adversaries) who the unequivocal ally of Kyiv is.

The unannounced visit was due to security reasons, as ensuring the safety of the leader of a neighboring state during wartime and constant shelling is nearly impossible. Therefore, it can boldly be called a propaganda-political move in a positive sense.

Looking at Other Aspects

It has been officially announced that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will meet with Duda to discuss key issues:

  • Cooperation between Ukraine and Poland: The parties plan to discuss matters of economic, military, and energy cooperation.
  • European integration of Ukraine: The agenda also includes talks on Ukraine’s accession to the EU, where Poland plays a crucial role as an ally.
  • Security situation and support: The meeting will focus on discussing the security situation and further support for Ukraine in response to Russian aggression.

In reality, Zelensky’s schedule on Independence Day is very tight, and there is no time for a fully productive discussion. Therefore, all the mentioned topics will only be addressed declaratively, and in reality, only some documents that have been prepared in advance will be signed, along with organizing discussions on important issues between Duda and top officials of Ukraine without Zelensky’s participation.

Statement by Zelensky on Independence Day

Meanwhile, President Zelensky addressed Ukrainians, emphasizing the unwavering nature of Ukraine and its ability to resist aggression. He stressed that Ukraine will make Russia pay for the harm inflicted, and that every act of aggression will receive a response.

Zelensky noted that the war has been ongoing for 913 days, yet Ukraine remains an independent state. He promised that Russia will be held accountable for all its attacks, and that the Ukrainian response will be dignified and effective.