From freedom of speech to handcuffs: mystery of the arrest of Pavel Durov

The attention of the whole world focused on Pavel Durov – the founder of giants like Telegram and VKontakte – in less than a day. If you think you know everything about him, you have something new to hear. Durov was recently detained in France, and the reasons for this arrest will definitely surprise you.

Who is Pavel Durov?

Pavel Durov is not just a successful businessman. He created the social network VKontakte, known as the “Russian Facebook.” Later, he created Telegram, which became one of the most popular messengers in the world. Pavel has always stood for freedom of speech and privacy, making him known worldwide. However, his reputation is currently under attack.

Reason for Arrest

The French authorities have made serious charges against Durov: aiding drug trafficking, terrorism, and crimes related to children. Although this sounds like something from a thriller, the situation is quite real. Interestingly, these charges arose from the use of Telegram to coordinate various illegal activities, and the authorities decided that Pavel should be held accountable for this.

Escape from Russia and Position on Ukraine

In 2014, Pavel left Russia due to constant pressure from the authorities, as he refused to cooperate with Russian special services. Durov always spoke about the importance of freedom and privacy, which caused dissatisfaction within the Kremlin. Now he finds himself at the center of an international scandal that could affect his future.

This story is still unfolding, and we will be monitoring its developments. For the continuation of our investigation, read the second part of the series “From Freedom of Speech to Handcuffs: The Mystery of Pavel Durov’s Arrest.” Spoiler alert: He did not support Russia’s war against Ukraine.