“Our city is being destroyed!”, – Polish reaction to the shelling of Lviv

Today we will talk about a very important topic – Poland’s reaction to Russian shelling of Ukraine, particularly western regions such as Lviv. What does this mean for the Poles and how is this war getting closer to their borders? For a long time, Lviv has remained a key Polish city, and some still often say, “Lviv is Poland.” Is this good for Ukraine in the context of the ongoing war or not?

Poland and shelling of Lviv: why is it important?

For Poles, Lviv is not just a Ukrainian city. It is a city with a rich shared history that connects Ukraine and Poland. So when Lviv is under Russian shelling, Poles feel it in a special way. It is not just another attack on a Ukrainian city – it is a signal that the war is getting closer to the Polish borders.

Recently, during the massive attacks on Ukrainian cities, including Lviv, the issue of international security was discussed at an economic forum in Polish Zakopane. And here the question arises: is Poland ready for decisive steps?

Poland and NATO: advocating for shooting down Russian missiles

There is often a question of whether Polish forces can shoot down Russian missiles or drones on Ukrainian territory. The question is not so much about Poland doing it independently, but about Polish diplomats convincing NATO that it is necessary to do so on a collective level. After all, Poland is a member of the Alliance, and all decisions should be made together with partners.

This issue was raised by Polish Minister Radoslaw Sikorski when he talked about the need to protect not only Poland but also Ukraine from Russian attacks. Ukrainians are not just fighting for their land right now, they are fighting for common European values, for democracy that the Russians are trying to destroy.

Polish reaction: internal political challenges

The problem is that many Polish politicians are still caught up in internal political discourse. They are more concerned with what to say to their voters than with the real threat approaching their borders. Often it is necessary to explain to them that the war in Ukraine is not just a Ukrainian issue, but a threat to the whole of Europe.

With each new shelling of Ukrainian cities, including Lviv, Poles begin to feel more strongly that this war may affect them. Unfortunately, this realization did not come immediately. It is important for Poles and their government to start acting more actively, convincing NATO to support Ukraine with more decisive steps.

“Shooting down” rockets in the information war

Therefore, we need to talk about this not only in Poland, but throughout Europe. Russian propaganda is working very actively, and victory in the information war is no less important than on the battlefield. We hope that Poland, together with NATO, will take all necessary measures to protect Ukraine, Europe, and our common values.

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