Crimea: UN Proposes 20 Years Under United Nations Mandate

At the Yalta European Strategy forum in Kyiv, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski put forward a resonant idea. He suggested that during possible negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, the issue of Crimea would be key, and proposed a solution — transferring the peninsula under the mandate of the UN. According to him, in 20 years a referendum could be held on the future of the peninsula.

This statement came in light of 77% of Ukrainians supporting the idea of introducing international temporary administrations in the liberated territories of Donbas and Crimea after the end of the war.

“Crimea is Ukraine”?

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine quickly responded to Sikorski’s proposal. In its official comment, the Ministry stated that Ukraine’s territorial integrity has never been and cannot be a subject of discussion or compromise. The statement is clear: “Crimea is Ukraine. Period.” This conclusion is supported by the defense forces, international partners, the UN Charter, and international law.

The Ministry emphasized that all efforts should be aimed at Russia withdrawing its troops from the entire territory of Ukraine. Ukraine expects further decisive support from its partners on this issue, as well as holding Russia accountable for its crimes.

Formula of Peace – the only way

Official Kyiv also reiterated the so-called “formula of peace” proposed by President Volodymyr Zelensky. This vision is considered the only possible option for achieving a just and sustainable peace in Europe. The Ukrainian authorities are confident that no compromises in favor of the Kremlin should be allowed, as this goes against the interests not only of Ukraine but also of international law.

What lies behind the proposal for a UN mandate

The proposal to transfer Crimea under the control of the United Nations is not new, but always remains controversial. The main idea is to create a neutral administration to oversee the peninsula until its final status is resolved. Similar precedents exist in world practice, such as in Kosovo. However, in the case of Crimea, many experts believe that this idea is unlikely to be implemented due to Russia’s hardline position and refusal to compromise on the occupied territories.

On the other hand, Sikorsky’s initiative may be part of broader discussions at the international level. This could be a step towards opening up new negotiation opportunities that, if successful, could help Ukraine regain the occupied territories.

Why the issue of Crimea is so important

Crimea remains a symbol of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Russian occupation of the peninsula in 2014 marked a turning point for significant changes in international politics and security situation in Europe. For Ukraine, the issue of Crimea’s return is crucial, and no compromises regarding this matter are accepted.

Of course, the issue of Crimea remains extremely complex and multifaceted. However, the key point is that Ukraine will not back down from its position on the return of the peninsula. International support and decisive actions from the global community can be decisive in this process.

Share your thoughts in the comments and stay tuned for further developments! Do you think the world’s position on Crimea will change in the near future?