Against the backdrop of increasing geopolitical tensions, Poland has taken an important step to strengthen its defense capabilities. The first batch of South Korean K2...
In the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius, a large protest took place gathering around 5,000 people near the parliament building. The reason for the protest was...
According to the latest survey conducted by the Forsa Institute, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius is currently the leading candidate for the position of chancellor....
The approach of the 2025 presidential elections in Ukraine is gaining momentum. Although the official preparation has not been announced yet, behind the scenes of...
Former Kazakh MP Ualikhan Kaisarov recently made statements that have sparked substantial resonance. He claimed that certain Russian territories, such as the Altai region, Tyumen,...
While the global community closely watches the progress of the COP29 climate summit, news about Donald Trump's political ambitions and his plans for future presidency...
In the conditions of constant threat of missile strikes on critical infrastructure in Ukraine, experts warn of possible consequences for the country's energy system. The...
In the southern part of Zaporizhzhia region, the situation is becoming increasingly tense. Russia is intensifying its military actions, moving prepared assault groups to the...
The threat of missile strikes on energy facilities has increased again in Ukraine. In response, emergency power outages have been implemented in several regions. These...
Experts predict a significant increase in the cost of new buildings in Ukraine in 2025. According to specialists, prices may rise by 20-25%, driven by...