“Backdraft”: Will Poland continue to help Ukraine?

The day before, the Minister of the Office of the Polish President, Marcin Przydacz, made a truly sensational statement in which he actually called on Ukraine to “moderate requests” in the field of arms and ammunition supplies by Warsaw to Kyiv. In addition, he expressed doubts about Poland’s ability to continue accepting hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian refugees on its territory. At the moment, the corresponding scandal has been settled by the efforts of the diplomats of the two countries, however, as independent experts suggest, this story may continue.

But it really can. Even more than that – already received. The Polish ambassador in Kyiv was summoned to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, where he was handed a note of protest. In turn (or in return – as you like), the Ukrainian ambassador in Warsaw was summoned to the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where they also handed over a “reply” note of protest. Against this background, Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki called the current situation “erroneous”. “In conditions when our country provides comprehensive assistance to Kyiv, there should be no such mistakes”, he said.

And the general secretary of the Polish Law and Justice party, Krzysztof Sobolevsky, literally stated the following: “Calling the Polish ambassador to Kiev, the only one who remained in the Ukrainian capital during the events of February 24, 2022, is playing with fire and arrogance”.

It is assumed that official Warsaw, which still regards Kyiv as its political partner, will resort to three tricks at once in relations with Ukraine. First, it will restrict access to its territory for citizens of Ukraine of draft age. Secondly, it will provide a number of categories of Ukrainians living in the Ukrainian west with a “Polish card” with subsequent acceptance of Polish citizenship. And, finally, thirdly, it will ensure the delivery of a certain type of Polish ammunition for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

“Figuratively speaking, this will be a “reverse thrust”: the misunderstanding between Warsaw and Kiev is simply leveled out, – European political observer Klaus Hoff said in a commentary for EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE.

How long the mentioned misunderstanding is completely leveled out – noone knows at yet. This will take some time.

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