Retraining for all men every 10 years: what will be the army of Ukraine after the war

The Cabinet of Ministers told what the army would be like after the end of the war. They are planning to introduce radical changes that will not only change the standards of military training but also increase the prestige of the profession of defender of Ukraine.

There will be no more military drafts

One of the most significant procedural changes is the absence of a draft in the form in which it existed before. This innovation is due to two reasons:

– it is required by NATO standards;

– changing the format to a completely professional army.

It is planned to implement this approach immediately after the end of the war.

Course on NATO

The transition to NATO standards in the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine is planned in all areas, from the introduction of the most modern equipment to a principled approach to action planning and analysis. Also, in addition to the principal team, there will be two reserve ones. All those involved in them will undergo mandatory periodic retraining.

Periodic retraining

Periodic training for servicemen involved in the army will become the norm. It is planned that it will take place every 10 years (perhaps more often). During such exercises, everyone will increase the level of their military specialty, which will allow obtaining a highly qualified staff that has modern and relevant skills and abilities in their field. These trainings will last for several months, most likely – 2-3.

Production of armed equipment

One of the crucial aspects of providing the army will be the military-industrial complex, which will constantly expand.

This process is already running:

– the production of equipment and weapons is increasing;

– the new contracts regarding the functioning of military enterprises are signed;

– the contracts with foreign partners are concluded;

– the capacities of existing enterprises are being expanded.

The launch of new programs and projects is already underway, but it will be revealed to its full potential only after the war.

Combat experience: plus or minus

Ukraine is betting very heavily on the acquired combat experience. And although it is really important, it is not the determining factor. Examples could be the Iraqi army, which has been at war with Iran for many years, or the situation with quality military forces in Afghanistan. There, the armies did not become leading and effective despite great experience.

To prevent this from happening in Ukraine as well, it will be necessary to encourage those servicemen who were trained according to NATO standards in Europe or the USA to remain in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine after the war. It is on their basis that it will be possible to create the core of the new Ukrainian army.

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