Not at the “expense” of Ukraine: the United States will provide large-scale military assistance to Israel

The day before, it became known that the American White House intends to allocate about $8 billion to support the state of Israel, which has become the target of an unprecedented attack by Palestinian terrorists. It is expected that the corresponding funds will be used to purchase military equipment and the latest developments in the defense sector. Against this background, some experts have already expressed concern that as a result of US actions, Ukraine may be left without the necessary military support from the United States. Is it so?

During his telephone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US President Joseph Biden categorically condemned the attack by radicals from the Hamas movement on Israeli territory and promised Tel Aviv “maximum assistance” in the Israeli war against terrorists. According to him, in the near future, official Washington will use all opportunities to provide its closest ally in the Middle East with feasible or, more precisely, large-scale military assistance. Nothing has been reported about the mechanisms of this process, however, apparently Washington may face a number of bureaucratic obstacles here.

First, appropriate funds must be approved by Congress. Considering that the Upper House of the highest legislative body of the United States was left without a speaker (former head of the structure Kevin McCarthy was dismissed last week), the people’s representatives cannot begin the necessary voting procedure. Secondly, there are practically no “free” funds in the American treasury: the previously mentioned funds in the amount of $5 billion were promised to Ukraine.

It would seem that in the light of new events, the latter circumstance should cause some concern in Kyiv. “It just so happens that events in the Middle East have relegated the situation in Ukraine to the background on the world agenda,” American political commentator William Connolly stated in a commentary for EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE. “It is quite obvious that in these conditions the United States will be concerned about providing support to Tel -Aviva Thus, even if the House of Representatives urgently elects a speaker, the issue of financing the war in Israel will be the main one for Washington.” At the same time, according to the analyst, money for the US Middle Eastern ally will not be taken from the funds created for Ukraine. “On this point, the current American budget provides for a separate item called “emergency expenses,” Connolly noted.

The US State Department is expected to make a detailed statement in the coming days about Washington’s plans for material and technical support for Israel. The next tranche of assistance for the Ukrainian Armed Forces remains a matter of time.

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