“I want to rent an air defense system. I guarantee decency”

The spokesman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Ihnat said that more air defense systems will appear in Ukraine. The only nuance is that they will not be transferred but leased. This is an interesting format of military aid that raises many questions.

Something new

The decision was finally adopted after the meeting of the contact group on the defense of Ukraine in the Ramstein format. President Zelenskyy spoke there and noted that the issue of strengthening the air defense is important and critical. Not only the end of the war depends on it, but also who will be the winner in this war.

Literally, a couple of days later, the Spokesman of the Air Force of Ukraine announced that the decision had been made.

Why rent?

The systems are on the balance sheet of other countries, and given the unstable situation in the world, no country can simply give them now. In addition, such weapons are extremely expensive, which is also an important criterion.

But the rental format has its pros and cons. The advantages include the following:

– donor countries take such a step more easily because they know that their equipment will be returned later;

– the system transfer in this format is faster because it is easier and faster to issue a lease legally.

How much does it cost?

Currently, the information is classified, but it is known that the conditions were very loyal and beneficial for Ukraine.

One of the main questions that arises against this background concerns how events will develop when the systems are destroyed or damaged. Their cost is impressive, and the Russian army will try to disable them first of all. All such nuances will be legally formalized, but this information has not yet been announced.

What will be guarded?

Leased air defense systems will be used for specific purposes. First of all, these are critical infrastructure facilities. It is already known that intensified attacks are planned on them, so Ukraine is preparing to defend itself and protect its infrastructure. The more important the object, the more reliable protection it needs because small nodes can be restored more easily, quickly, and cheaply.

Which countries will provide them?

This is also classified information, like much else in this case. It is about the fact that the donor countries do not want publicity due to political motives. From this, we can conclude that such partners have become those who have not completely severed ties with Russia; therefore, their involvement in military aid to Ukraine may worsen these bilateral relations.

How long?

Currently, we are talking about the first critical period covering the heating season. At this time, the system is most vulnerable, and according to intelligence services, the most heavy missile attacks by the Russian army are planned for it. Contracts can be extended later.

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