Different wars – different approaches: evacuation of Ukrainians from Ukraine and Israel

When a full-scale war broke out in Ukraine, the authorities did everything possible so that people could evacuate to neighboring countries for free. In this process, there were many shortcomings, not enough flights, and chaos, but everyone who wanted could get to the border for free. That is why the Ukrainians in Israel were counting on the same opportunity. However, an unpleasant surprise awaited them.

It turned out that evacuation flights are paid. This caused outrage among Ukrainians because they are the same citizens as those who needed state assistance after February 24, 2022.

The price for the evacuation flight was 415 euros. When it comes to an average family of four, this is already a significant amount.

However, the Ukrainians were most outraged by the way events developed. According to them:

– Initially, the website of the Consulate of Ukraine published information about the preparation of a free flight. Registration was required to use it.

– Two days later, a link was sent to those registered that the evacuation would cost 415 euros.

Not everyone was able to use this service. Some refused due to inability to pay the specified amount.

Still profitable

The Ambassador of Ukraine to Israel Yevhen Korniichuk gave the official explanation. He said that there were no funds for free evacuation in the budget, so there was no question of free tickets from the very beginning.

Moreover, the ticket price of 415 euros is the lowest on the market because the Ukrainian embassy agreed with the air carriers to leave the pre-war prices for Ukrainians. The standard price of a flight to Europe is about 1,000 euros, so the conditions offered by the Ukrainian embassy are very favorable.

However, some people still evacuated for free. These are citizens who have proven that they are in a difficult situation and have no means of existence. They were financed with the involvement of various funds and donors. But such situations are exceptions.

How about others?

Not only Ukrainians pay for tickets for evacuation flights. The same practice occurs in other countries:

– the USA;

– Canada;

– Germany, etc.

So far, no information has been received about outrage on their part regarding the payment.

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