A matter of principle: who planned the assassination attempt on the head of Transnistria

The authorities of the partially recognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR) appealed to the UN structures with a demand to investigate the failed assassination attempt on the leader of this territorial entity, Vadim Krasnoselsky. According to Tiraspol, the United Nations is obliged to give «an adequate assessment of the attempt to destabilize the situation on the borders of Romania, Moldova and Ukraine». To this date, there has been no response from the structures of the supreme international body.

And, most likely, will not follow. First of all, because legally the PMR is not an object of UN influence: for world diplomacy, Pridnestrovie remains a part of the Republic of Moldova, and any relevant request should come exclusively from official Chisinau. And further more. Fortunately, the physical elimination of Krasnoselsky did not happen – according to some reports, the Tiraspol state security service allegedly «responded in a timely manner to the received signal and prevented the bombing of the car of the nominal Pridnestrovian leader». It is reported about the arrest of several people, allegedly connected with the Ukrainian SBU. But here’s the thing – there is no direct evidence of Kyiv’s participation in a conspiracy to overthrow the current government in the PMR. «Today we do not know by what methods the law enforcement agencies in Transnistria obtain confessions from suspects», – European observer Klaus Hoff said in a special commentary for EURO-ATLANTIC UKRANE. «Against this background, it remains unclear who exactly and why was interested in eliminating Krasnoselsky».

At first glance, the assassination attempt on the Transnistrian leader is absurd from a geopolitical point of view. At present, Prime Minister Alexander Rozenberg and Chairman of the Supreme Council Alexander Korshunov enjoy comparatively great influence in the PMR. Today they are in charge of the main state issues, including the presence of Russian troops on the Transnistrian territory and active contacts between Tiraspol and Moscow. «For the Ukrainian special services, Krasnoselsky does not represent a serious interest or any danger», summed up the American expert William Connolly. “We need to find another trail. More precisely, those people for whom the fight against the head of Transnistria is a matter of principle.”

According to some reports, in the coming days, Moldova and Romania will conduct their own investigation of the current situation. Chisinau and Bucharest need to demonstrate to the world community that they are not involved in any attacks on Krasnoselsky. How such an investigation will be carried out has not yet been reported.

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