EU-Ukraine negotiations: what should really be expected?

“Historical event” – that’s what they call the decision of the European Council to start negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the EU. However, how should this event be viewed to save yourself from disappointment in the future?

Loud epithets seem controversial on closer inspection for the following reasons:

– The duration of negotiations does not have clear deadlines. This applies even to peaceful countries without such problems as currently in Ukraine. It is still unclear when and how exactly the war will end, and martial law complicates all European integration processes.

– The decision to start negotiations has no decisive significance; it has a symbolic nature instead.

Therefore, this event should not be overestimated because it did not change anything. The positive thing about it is that it can be considered a specific message that Ukraine is not forgotten and remains on the agenda.

With a cool head

However, it is much more important to understand that joining the EU is not an end in itself. What matters are the specific changes that this move will bring. And these changes will be both useful and not. It would be good if ordinary citizens, and not only the political elite, knew what to expect from these changes and what, on the contrary, should be warned about.

To have an understanding, the best method is to compare and analyze the experiences of neighboring countries. Moreover, both negative and positive experiences should be taken into account. First of all, you should take into account the countries that have the most similarities with Ukraine: geographical location, the situation with the economy, etc.

For example, a common consequence of EU membership is the reduction of one’s industrial potential. Being in the European Union, it is sometimes easier to establish imports than own production; this reflects badly on the economy.

Political “omnivorous” is not a plus

It is also important to remember that European integration agreements function perfectly as long as the situation in the country is stable. As soon as force majeure occurs, each member’s political selfishness tends to come to the fore.

Now, the existence of Ukraine is a new force majeure every day. The fact that the consequences of this will not be very positive is evidenced by many similar events. Examples of this are many situations, starting from closed borders during the pandemic and ending with the recent blocking of borders between Ukraine and neighboring countries.

That is why it is very important not only to joyfully agree to the coordination of any directives from the EU but also to evaluate them with a cool head and defend our interests. It is not so easy to do it under these conditions, but if you do not achieve it now, then bigger problems will begin later.

Therefore, one must be rational and moderate. That is when the fact of joining the EU will be useful for Ukraine.

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