“Not soon”: the US Senate told when Ukraine will be able to count on financial support

The leadership of the upper house of the United States of the United States of America made a statement in which it determined the deadlines for the adoption of the decision on the allocation of another monetary assistance to Ukraine. According to the leader of the Democrats of Senate Chuck Schumer, this process is currently being delayed, since parliamentarians have encountered problems of a domestic political nature. Against this background, the consideration will be postponed for an indefinite period.

More precisely – until the end of January or early February next year. Schumer, which is a consistent lobby for helping Kyiv, was actually forced to admit that in the discussion of this problem, Congress did not advance one step. However, Ukraine is clearly not worth losing optimism. “Our negotiators will work hard during the holidays, and I believe that the senators will make a positive decision already in the foreseeable future,” he said in particular.

Republicans in this regard show somewhat greater restraint. So, Congressman John Tyun noted that “there can be no talk of any January 2024.” Say, before the specified period in the highest legislative body, cardinal changes will not occur. “Democrats missed time, and after the holidays we will deal with more pressing problems,” he said.

In general, we are talking about providing Ukraine with $ 60 billion. This money was supposed to be directed to the purchase of weapons and ammunition for the Armed Forces, as well as supporting the Ukrainian economy destroyed by the war. In exchange for votes for the adoption of a document, the Republican Party demanded to adopt a law on strengthening the border with Mexico. The consideration of this bill has stalled.

As events will develop in the future, no one can say with accuracy. At the same time, the chief financial inspector Mike McCord, until December 30 of this year, his department will completely exhaust the funds for replenishing the reserves of weapons sent to Ukraine.

Kyiv again remains only to wait.

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